Welcome everyone, as ever, I am Sol. Today is going to be a shorter blog article; I’m taking a break.

You heard me right. We’re taking a break here. I didn’t announce it, I’m not asking you to be patient, and I’m not explaining it. I’m just saying that today, this week, the blog isn’t going anywhere.

Will it be back next week? You can bet on it. This week? Nope.

Why did I bother posting at all? Because you can do exactly this. You really can. Your work is either so small that nobody will mind you missing a day, or so large that the momentum will carry on. You need to prioritize yourself. Sometimes, that means stepping away.

Next week, we’re going to talk about how to be better listeners and how that helps us as players, GMs and friends. In the meantime, I’m going to have some ice cream. Why not grab some yourself?

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  1. Pingback: Real Life Milestones – Sol's Roles

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